Hashtek Sponsoring The Smoking Jacket 2023 Portland: Press Release

Team Hashtek has always been committed to supporting grassroots events that highlight and bring together our hashish community. From sponsoring Legends of Hashish II in Los Angeles to hosting our own upcoming Solventless Seminars, we’re excited to announce our next event…Hashtek will be a spotlight sponsor of The Smoking Jacket 2023 this September in Portland, Oregon! 

The Smoking Jacket is an immersive three-day live hash experience featuring resin talk panels, hash tastings, and a competition featuring 30 innovative makers. The spirit of this event is unique as it is actually public, open to anyone and everyone who wants to throw down as a competitor! Hosted by The Hashish Inn, the event will also include a live podcast recording with a Q&A session for attendees. The inaugural Smoking Jacket was in LA last year but is coming to the PNW this time around and will be held at the new Archive event space. 

One of the things that got our founder Aleks really excited about this show is that every attendee gets a kit with all the entries submitted (with 0.25g samples), allowing everyone to have the full tasting experience normally reserved only for judges.

Photo by @extractsdaily of the inaugural Smoking Jacket in LA

Hashtek Users At The Smoking Jacket 2023

Kaya of Pacific NW Roots based in Washington, who uses a Hashtek 65t for crafting his award-winning 6-star melt (and will be teaching our first solventless seminar), was announced as a competition judge and we are hyped to have his expertise at the table. 

Kaya with his Hashtek setup

TerpWizard, who runs a Hashtek A-Series on his regenerative-focused DEM-certified farm out in Michigan, will also be there as a competitor. He competed last year and had this to say about being back:

“The first Smoking Jacket was our first competition outside Michigan and we had just made our first selections in the new indoor garden, only having a few options to pick from. Since then we’ve consistently popped seeds, making more and better selections, and now have a wide range of flavors and potential blends to pick from. We’ve learned a lot and have some ideas on a way to create an even better competition grade and are excited to see how it’s received at Smoking Jacket Portland and The Culture Cup in the coming months. Thank you for putting this together again and excited to see what you’ve got in store for us this round!”

TerpWizard with his Hashtek setup

The Smoking Jacket 2023 FAQs

When and where is the event?

This is a three-day event happening Friday, September 15th through Sunday, September 17th at the Archive event space in Portland, Oregon.

Where can I get tickets?

Tickets can be purchased on the Eventbrite page

What comes with the cost of a ticket?

There are various tiers of entry for the event:

  • Competitor’s Pass – $1,000 + Your Competition Entry (Due by Wednesday 9/13/23)
  • Competitor’s Plus One Pass – $500
  • People’s Choice Pass – $1,350

Your Eventbrite purchase will serve as a deposit to hold your spot, with the remainder of the balance to be paid in full within 72 hours in order to not forfeit your ticket. The Competitor’s Pass and People’s Choice Pass will each automatically include a single Judge’s Kit containing all 30 entries. The Plus One Pass will not include a Judge’s Kit and is only available with the purchase of a Competitor’s Pass.

All tiers of entry also include food and beverages throughout the day. As The Hashisn Inn says, “You will be well fed, well hydrated, well-caffeinated (if you choose), and well-medicated.” We definitely choose all those things!

Photo by @extractsdaily of terps on the Smoking Jacket table

Will the Hashtek team be at the event?

Yes! Our founder Aleks will be there on Saturday and Sunday, as well as Neil Gallant who helps with Hashtek R&D and runs the @maple_budder extract brand, and our writer Kat Wolf of @katadellic who will be covering the event. Come find us to grab some swag, take a few dabs, or ask any questions about the machine and extraction! 

Will there be live demos of the Hashtek machine?

Yes, we will have a Hashtek A-series with a 50a tank setup for demo purposes. The unit will be up for sale at 50% off after the show!

Where can I learn more?

Visit the Smoking Jacket official Instagram account or Eventbrite page for more info. If you want to get in touch with team Hashtek, message us on our website or Instagram!

Don’t miss any blog posts!



Win a BubbleTek at Spannabis! Submit 4.2g of your best EU-made hash. Best entry wins—judged by Hashtek founder Aleks! Entries start March 10
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